Top Talent

Tips for Recruiting Top Talent

Insights from our Vice President of Culture & Support

Recruiting top talent is crucial for the success and growth of any organization, especially during the ‘great resignation’ period. In a recent interview with Shannon Failla, the Vice President of Culture & Support at Student Quarters, we gained valuable insights into effective recruitment strategies. As Failla mentioned during our interview “Every single person at your organization is a recruiter and even when you don’t have a job opening to advertise, you must ABR: Always Be Recruiting.” 

Every time you put your company out to the public, whether you post an open position, share a social message, or simply tell a work-related story, your network forms an impression and opinion. Job seekers are looking for a company that is the right fit for them and it is up to the hiring team to paint the picture of what life would be like if they pick your organization for that partnership. Much like closing a lead, getting a returned offer letter rarely happens immediately. Securing top talent takes outreach, building rapport, negotiation, and consistent follow-up.


This week we take a look at Failla’s top five tips for securing top talent and attracting the best candidates to your organization. Whether you are a hiring manager or part of the recruitment team, these tips will help you navigate the competitive landscape and find the right individuals to join your company.


Tip 1: Utilize Reverse Searches on LinkedIn and Indeed

Traditional job postings are essential, but don’t be afraid to take a proactive approach by conducting reverse searches on platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. Instead of waiting for candidates to apply, actively seek out potential matches for your open positions. Send them direct messages, introducing yourself, your company, and the highlights of the role you are advertising. Even if the candidates are not interested themselves, they may know someone who would be a good fit. Failla says “even if only one person accepts your offer or sends someone your way…it is worth it.” Building a network and leveraging social media and job sites can lead to unexpected connections and valuable hires.


Tip 2: Stay in Contact with Quality Candidates

When we asked Failla about having quality candidates but the stars don’t align, she said “that is okay because you may be able to hire them later!” Sometimes, despite a great conversation or interview, the timing may not be right for a candidate to accept an offer. In such cases, Failla maintains contact with these quality candidates by keeping their contact information and periodically checking in with them. She even sets calendar reminders to reach out at least once every quarter. Try offering to pay for a coffee or lunch during catch-up conversations to strengthen the relationship and keep the door open for future opportunities. Remember, great talent is always in demand, so maintaining relationships can pay off in the long run.


Tip 3: Verify Credentials and Move Quickly on an Offer

When you come across a top candidate, it is crucial to verify their credentials and references promptly. However, the key is to move quickly when making an offer. Highly skilled candidates are often interviewing with multiple companies simultaneously. Failla says “showing confidence in a candidate is key…if you wait weeks to make a move, more than likely another group will strike.” Follow your company’s guidelines for interviews and reference checks, but ensure the offer process remains swift and efficient. Acting decisively demonstrates confidence in the candidate and increases the chances of securing their commitment.


Tip 4: Harness the Power of Employee Ambassadors

Your current workforce can be a powerful tool for attracting top talent. “No one can tell your property or organization’s story better than your current or former employees,” Failla says. Encourage your employees to share open positions on their social media accounts, allowing their networks to see the opportunities available. Additionally, empower your employees to tell their stories and experiences through targeted campaigns. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied employees carry significant weight and can positively influence potential candidates. Monitor and manage your organization’s reputation on platforms like Glassdoor and Google reviews, and encourage honest feedback from employees to help build a positive employer brand.


Tip 5: Network Outside the Office

To find talent for entry-level positions, such as those in student housing, it is important to step out from behind the desk. Engage in college recruiting efforts by participating in career fairs, featuring open positions on alumni job boards, and visiting career services centers or international offices. Networking and connecting with students and alumni in person can help forge personal connections that go beyond what a job posting or online presence can achieve. Additionally, attending industry-related meetups and events allows you to connect with peers outside of your organization and expand your professional network. Some of Failla’s favorites are NAA and Interface.


Securing top talent requires proactive and strategic recruitment efforts. By implementing these tips, Failla and her team enhance their recruitment strategies and attract the best candidates to Student Quarters. Remember, recruiting is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and adaptability. By following these tips, you can position your company as an attractive destination for top talent, fostering a team of skilled and passionate individuals who will contribute to your organization’s success.


If you’re seeking further guidance or recommendations on how to attract and recruit top talent, feel free to reach out to Shannon Failla at [email protected] or Melody Miles at [email protected]. They are eager to support your recruiting endeavors and provide additional insights tailored to your specific needs.


Wishing you nothing but success in your recruitment efforts as you build a strong and talented team that will propel your organization towards a prosperous future!